
Hotel Golfi Poděbrady

How you will find the GOLFI hotel in Poděbrady?

From Prague follow D11(E 67) direction Poděbrady for 50km. When you reach Poděbrady, drive through the central Square of  King George (with the dominating statue of the King) in the direction to Hradec Králové. After 300 metres you will pass the catholic church on your right hand side. Turn right behind the church and then take the first turn to the left. You will see the Labe river and our hotel.

In case of any difficulties our reception staff will gladly help you. (phone number: (00420) 325 615 073)


1) hotel parking /4 parking spaces/
100 CZK/night, reservation required

2) parking in front of the hotel
Monday- Friday, 5 CZK/hour, weekend free

The GOLFI Hotel is looking forward to your visit!

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